silver sage

opinions from the high desert

Griffin: “Hizballah IS the Local Population”

This story seems to explain a lot about who Hezbollah is in Lebanon.

July 21, 2006 Posted by | Israel, Social and Politics | Leave a comment


Santorum: War Against Islamo-Fascism

Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum says the United States is engaged in a new world war against Islamic fascism.

He says many Americans won’t say so for fear of offending Muslims.

Santorum says terrorist attacks worldwide, the war in Iraq and Israel’s fight against Iran-backed Hezbollah are all battlefronts in a war that Americans will either win or lose, but cannot avoid.

Santorum is opposed to the Iranian regime, but does not support military action against the country. He says he favors legislation would punish countries that aid Iran’s nuclear program and that encourage pro-democracy groups in Iran.

Someone in Congress finally has the guts to say it. Now, why don’t you try sitting down with Senator Murtha and explain the situation to him. Remember… talk slowly, he may still be off his meds. 

July 21, 2006 Posted by | Israel, Social and Politics | Leave a comment